Federico Ventosinos
Postdoctoral researcher
Federico Ventosinos is a Maria Zambrano researcher at the Institute of Molecular Science (ICMol) at the University of Valencia (UVEG). He studied the Degree of Physics in the Faculty of Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics (FaMAF) in the University of Cordoba (UNC), Argentina. Then he received the Ph. D. in Physics in 2013 in the University of Litoral (UNL), in Santa Fe, Argentina. The topic of his research was advanced characterization of semiconductors for photovoltaics. Later that year he moved to Paris, France, where he did to postdoctoral stages, the first in GeepS (Paris-Saclay) where he continued to work in advances characterization techniques of semiconductors, then in LPICM (Ecole Polytechnique/CNRS) where he studied silicon based tandem solar cells. He returned to Argentina in 2017 where he got a permanent position (Assistant Researcher of CONICET) in IFIS Institute (Santa Fe) and Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Chemistry Engineering (FIQ-UNL). In 2022 he won a Maria Zambrano scholarship to focus in the advanced characterization techniques for perovskite based materials and solar cells in the Molecular Optoelectronic Devices group.
Email: federico2.Ventosinos(at)uv.es
Tel: +34 9635 44131